En mi mundo: Exploring Veronica Fonzo's Creative Universe in Pietrasanta collection

It will be inaugurated on Saturday 18 May 2024, and it will be possible to visit it until Sunday 9 June 2024, the exhibition EN MI MUNDO / NEL MIO MONDO of the sculptor Veronica Fonzo, is curated by Dina Pierallini and Elena Bermond des Ambrois, with critical text by Daniela Magnetti.

18 May 2024 - 09 Jun 2024

Tuesday - Sunday:
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM

In collaboration with

En mi Mundo, sponsored by the Argentine Embassy, co-produced by the Municipality of Pietrasanta and the Museo dei Bozzetti, backed by the prestigious sculpture workshop of Cervietti Franco, is much more than a simple art exhibition; it is an invitation to immerse yourself in the depths of Veronica Fonzo's creative universe, through her sculptures that evoke fantastic worlds and blend past and future.

This event is not just a look "inside" the artist's studio, but an experience that creeps into the soul of visitors, leaving an imprint of wonder and contemplation.

Every detail tells a story, every work is an invitation to explore the vastness of the inner worlds that this artist has been able to create. The mastery of Veronica Fonzo's sculptural technique, anchored to solid anatomical foundations, is elevated through the elaboration of fantastic bodies. The intense gazes of the children act as a guide on this journey set out the green and enchanted atmospheres, a tribute to his Argentina.

Thanks to the set-up by the famous landscape designer, Silvia Ghirelli, who contributes in an extraordinary way to evoking the magic of the artist's world, this exhibition will be an unforgettable experience in the prestigious context of the Sala delle Grasce.


Dina Pierallini and Elena Bermond Des Ambrois

Dina Pierallini and Elena Bermond des Ambrois are friends, passionate of the world of art, and sculpture in particular. They have embraced this path with the conviction that art itself is a remedy for the soul.

In their events, art harmoniously blends with the environment to transform the artistic experience into something exciting and intense, eliminating the "formal aloofness" that are often felt when entering a gallery.

This is why they know the artists in person, they spend time with them, visit their workshops - those magical places where artworks come to life, endeavouring to capture their emotions.

Each exhibition becomes a bridge that connects the artist to the observer, transforming the sculpture not only into a visual artwork but into a tangible, exciting, and lasting experience.

Their mission is to follow to connect the people with the art, offering experiences that go beyond the mere glance, touching the deepest chords of the soul.

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Pietrasanta - Sala delle Grasce

Renowned worldwide for its close connection to art, this picturesque town holds a unique record: it is the city with the highest concentration of art galleries in its historic center, a feat perhaps unmatched in Italy and the world. With a gallery every 40 meters, Pietrasanta offers an extraordinary density of exhibition spaces, with 40 art galleries spread over approximately 1,600 linear meters in its main streets. This artistic boom is fueled by the historical presence of skilled craftsmen and international artists, such as Fernando Botero and Jeff Koons, making Pietrasanta a globally significant cultural epicenter.

The beating heart of the city is “Piazza del Duomo”, dominated by the majestic Rocca di Sala and the evocative Duomo di San Martino, enriched by a sixteenth-century bell tower that narrates millennia-old stories of artistic mastery. Through the narrow streets of the historic center, one discovers artisan workshops of renowned masters and encounters monuments steeped in history, such as the Baptistery of Pietrasanta, transformed into an exhibition space for contemporary works.

But it is in the “Chiesa della Misericordia” that a unique artistic treasure is hidden: the frescoes by Fernando Botero, La Porta del Paradiso e La Porta dell'Inferno, which masterfully and boldly narrate the heavenly and hellish visions of the Colombian artist. Pietrasanta is a journey into the soul of art, a crossroads of cultures and talents that continue to inspire and fascinate generations of visitors.

The Sala delle Grasce in Pietrasanta, originally a grain storage linked to the convent of Sant’Agostino, has become a prestigious exhibition space for local and emerging artists.

The artistic project, specifically conceived for this place steeped in memories related to the church, focuses on nourishment understood not only as physical sustenance but also spiritual. Using evocative materials such as hard stones and oxides, the artists enrich the Sala delle Grasce with works that explore the dialogue between the earthly and spiritual aspects of human existence.

This space has successfully hosted numerous exhibitions, attracting a wide audience of art enthusiasts and contributing to enhancing the local artistic landscape. With frequent and free-access exhibitions, the Sala delle Grasce confirms itself as a vital cultural hub for Pietrasanta, celebrating art and creativity in a unique and evocative setting.

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